Anil Seth
World-Renowned Cognitive & Computational Neuroscientist. Bestselling Author & Popular TED Speaker
Toni Nadal is an elite tennis coach, Sports Director of the Rafa Nadal Academy, and former coach of the best tennis player in history, Rafa Nadal. He is also a bestselling author of 'Everything Can Be Trained' and a great motivational speaker. In his talks, Toni talks about the values that make a champion: managing adversity, motivation and commitment, resilience and a constant dedication to improving constantly.
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Sports speaker Toni Nadal is a renowned Spanish tennis coach. For 27 years, he has been the coach of the greatest tennis player in history, Rafael (Rafa) Nadal. Currently, Toni is the Director of Sports at the Rafa Nadal Academy. He is also the author of the bestseller ‘Everything Can Be Trained’.
The phrase that best defines Toni Nadal is ‘Never an excuse made us win a match’, which summarizes his philosophy that winning or losing does not depend so much on material conditions as on attitude, discipline, and resilience. Qualities that he teaches his students and in his motivational lectures.
Toni has always considered it essential in the training of any athlete to work on three specific aspects: technical work, value formation, and character formation. It is not enough to just work on technique and physicality, the mind and values of the athlete must also be trained.
As a coach, he has achieved the most successful record in tennis history together with Rafa Nadal. In total, they won 74 tournaments. Above all, 16 grand slam. Including 10 Roland Garro, 3 US open, 2 Wimbledon tournaments and 1 Australian open. In addition, they won 4 Davis cups and 2 Olympic gold medals.
Currently, Toni combines his work as Head of the Rafa Nadal Academy with his lectures. As a speaker, Toni Nadal gives his lectures to all kinds of audiences. From sports coaches, to students and also to companies and organizations of all kinds. He talks about managing adversity, resilience, commitment and self-demand to always want more. But above all, what Toni seeks is for the audiences to internalize his motto that there is no need to look for excuses or to overvalue the achievements made. And finally, not to fall into defeatism and to magnify the defeats.
Rafa Nadal, despite being the best tennis player in history, having won 16 grand slams, has suffered numerous injuries and physical problems during his sports career that have made his profession very difficult. Many people are amazed at Rafa's almost inhuman ability to finish games despite the pain, come back when he loses, and never give up. In this talk, his former coach Toni Nadal, who instilled in him values and helped forge this iron character, will give the keys on how we can manage adversity, control stress during uncertain times, and gain resilience to win.
In this talk, Toni will talk about his philosophy based on simplicity. Toni believes that many times, both people and organizations give too much importance to technology and innovation issues to try to explain why some things don't work as well as before. And, with this, many excuses are sought. Although technology has changed our lives and it is important to continue improving, we must pay attention to the essentials and eliminate the noise to be able to make an honest review of what is happening. Through his stories training the best tennis player in history, Rafa Nadal, Toni will give the audience the keys to stop looking for excuses and change the mentality to one that increases self-demand, accept the mistakes made, and always aspire to improve daily.
If something defines Rafa Nadal's successful career as an athlete, having won 16 grand slams and more than 70 tournaments, it is the great capacity for self-demand that he has had. Toni Nadal was his coach and who taught him the most important values in life. To never give up, even in the worst of times, but also not to become complacent when important victories have been achieved. That constant hunger to keep improving, and keep winning, is the hallmark of the important lessons from him that he will tell the audience in this motivational talk for all types of teams and organizations.
Toni Nadal does not define failure in terms of having achieved your goals or objectives or not, but in not having tried. In this motivational talk, the former coach of the best tennis player in history by record, Rafa Nadal, winner of 16 grand slams, will tell the audience how everything can be trained and improved in life. In his academy, teaching future tennis champions, Toni not only teaches them the technique, but also instills in them values and shapes their character. The effort is the only thing that matters, and the desire to be better every day, not to be pleased with the achievements made or to fall into defeatism when things do not go well. This motivational talk is indicated for all types of companies and organizations that want to motivate their teams to improve every day, in all possible aspects.
Toni Nadal was the coach of the best tennis player in history, Rafa Nadal. In this talk, Toni will review the leadership that made it happen and talk about the importance of having good values defined and following them, and the importance of forging a winning character.